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which keywords rank the fastest?

Are you also suffering from keywords to rank? Your keywords are not ranking? No need to worry, here we will teach you which keywords rank the fastest?

What are Keywords?

Keywords is the word or group of words that you use to search in google or in any other search engine. For example; if I want to know about basketball, if searched it on the google. The word which is search , in this case which is “basketball”, it’s referred to as keyword.

Keyword Research for low competition keywords

What is Keyword Research? Keyword Research is the process of searching low competition keywords. Finding those keywords that has less competition in search engines.

Low Competition Keywords

You guys are already familiar with low competition keywords, but let me clarify this. Keywords that we call as easy to rank due to some factors is called Low Competition Keywords. What are these factors? Here’s the list of these factors;

  • Keyword Difficulty
  • Search Volume
  • Look at SERP
  • Weak Spots in SERP
  • No. of Results
  • Keyword Grouping
  • CPC
which keywords rank the fastest?

Keyword Difficulty

Keyword Difficulty is the one of the most important factor is keyword research. It tells that how hard or easy the keyword can be ranked. It is classified into three categories, easy, medium and hard. Low Competition Keywords has low keyword difficulty which is below 30.

Search Volume

Search Volume is how much people are searching for that keyword every month. When you are choosing a niche, Make sure that the search volume should be greater than 80K for tier 3 countries and more than 30K for tier 1 and 2. Although if you are finding more keywords related to your niche than the Search Volume matters almost none.

Look at SERP

Look at SERP! What does it means? let me tell you, Go on the search engine typically Google and search for your keyword. Look at the results and find that should be website in the top 10 whose DA is less than 15 or 20.

Weak Spots in SERP

Weak Spots means the website that are less accurate, or of low quality visible in top 10. If website like forum website or questions answers website are in the top 10 results of SERP. These website can be easily replaced, if you are writing high quality content with proper SEO.

Number of Results

Although Google has hundreds of thousands of results for a single keyword, but all those are not relevant. Mark the related number of results. The lesser the results , more quicker and easily you can rank on that specific keyword.

Keyword Grouping

Keyword Grouping is the most vital part of keyword research. Keyword Grouping means figure out all the related keywords and then group together the most liked ones. It drives lots of traffic to a single page. For an example; Let’s say that my main keyword is Coding in python. Then, I will include following keywords in the grouping.

  • Datatypes in Python
  • Comments in Python
  • Pointers in Python
  • Functions in Python
  • Arrays in Python
  • Strings in Python
which keywords rank the fastest?

CPC Cost per click

Although it’s not a part of Keyword Research, but it’s very important in Niche Research for your website. the higher the CPC, the more beneficial your website become in financial matters.

Tools for keyword Research

There are variety of tools available for keyword research in the market. Like ahref, SEMrush, Moz, Keyword Everywhere etc. On the basis of our experts and experience, we conclude that SEMrush and ahref are best for keyword research.


Although these are the most important factor of Keyword and Niche Research, but it are complete. New Factors, Method and strategies are discovered time to time. Stay Updated to improve your website and drive traffic to it.

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